Adlice PEViewer
Artificial Intelligence powered PE analyzer

Sample Analysis
3rd party & Artifical Intelligence
Nag Window every 5 Analysis
Personal Use Only
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Sample Analysis
3rd party & Artificial Intelligence
Comparison Form & Similar Buffers
No Limitation, No Nag Window
Enterprise Use Allowed
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Artificial Intelligence
Adlice PEViewer has builtin Artificial Intelligence that generates a malicious score. The neural network features are exposed as indicators, to help anyone understand this score.
This AI score is also completed by a broader score, taking in account all the 3rd party vendors classifications.
3rd Party Scanners
Adlice PEViewer is an fantastic PE parser, but not only. It integrates many 3rd party scanners, analyzers and tools to ease file classification.
VirusTotal, SSDEEP fuzzy hashing, MalPE AI, Fields comparator are just a small list of all the features it contains.
Static & Dynamic
There's a lot of static PE parser out there. But not so many dynamic PE parser. Adlice PEViewer is one of them, able to work either on file or process memory.
This is the ultimate tool for everyone analysing malware, or for hobbyists wanting to classify files. Happy analysis !
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Adam J. - September 2019
A must have for every malware researcher
I used have various tools for malware analysis in my pocket, most of them been decades old and not updated. Then I found this nice piece of software, with the promise of everything inside.
I have to say it has really nice user interface, really easy to use, fast to parse information and everything clearly displayed. I've converted all my colleagues and we're now using almost only Adlice PEViewer every day for malware classification. I love the different scores and indicators that really help writing signatures, because we know immediately where to look. A must have !