If you are a well known forum, software hosting website, or just want to distribute our products, we may work together. Join our partnership program !

We are providing affiliation IDs to companies willing to work with us, and we reward them for every license sold with a cash-back (percentage to be defined, on a case by case basis). All you have to do is to contact us.

How does that work ?

All you need is to create an account on our shop. Once it’s done, we will promote this account as affiliate, and you will be given a REF ID.

You will also have access to an affiliate area, where you will find “creatives” to add on your website (links/images containing your ref id). Whenever a user clicks on it, our website will know he is sent by your website. If the user buys something, cash-back will be added to your account.

When you reach a sufficient amount, the money is sent to your Paypal account.