RogueKiller devient Adlice Protect !

RogueKiller, notre scanner et protection anti-malware maison, existe depuis plus de 15 ans. Aujourd’hui, nous avons décidé de changer de marque pour un nom plus « explicite », ADLICE PROTECT, et d’ajouter de nouvelles fonctionnalités majeures. Faites le tour. Pourquoi changer de nom ? Nous avons eu cette idée depuis longtemps. Le nom RogueKiller est très populaire…

What is a Trojan ? How to Remove ?

Trojan horses usually use social engineering, like a pirated software or a fake Office document send by mail, to gain control over a computer. Once installed, they usually hide themselves from the system and make it impossible for the user to remove.

What is an Adware ? How to Remove ?

Adware (ad-ware) are a quite recent thread, compared of the others. They begin to rise in popularity with the decline of the shareware license model. Instead of offering trial version of the software they developed, software writers began to include ads in their installers

What is a Virus ? How to Remove ?

Computer viruses were the first kind of malware that were developed. At the beginning, they were not malicious per se (the first computer virus “Creeper”, developed in 1970 only displayed a message), but soon after malicious ones begin to appear and counter-measures known as “anti-virus” software were developed.