Founder and owner of Adlice Software, Tigzy started as lead developer on the popular Anti-malware called RogueKiller. Involved in all the Adlice projects as lead developer, Tigzy is also doing research and reverse engineering as well as writing blog posts.
Adware (ad-ware) are a quite recent thread, compared of the others. They begin to rise in popularity with the decline of the shareware license model. Instead of offering trial version of the software they developed, software writers began to include ads in their installers
Computer viruses were the first kind of malware that were developed. At the beginning, they were not malicious per se (the first computer virus “Creeper”, developed in 1970 only displayed a message), but soon after malicious ones begin to appear and counter-measures known as “anti-virus” software were developed.
Avec le développement des connexions Internet à large bande, les services en ligne / en nuage sont devenus de plus en plus nombreux. Vos données ne se trouvent plus seulement sur votre ordinateur, mais sur une multitude de serveurs en ligne. Vous devez non seulement envisager maintenant ce qui pourrait arriver si votre ordinateur est infecté, mais également ce qui pourrait se produire si l’un de vos comptes en ligne était compromis.
We are pleased to announce our flagship, RogueKiller Anti-malware, is finally available for version 14 BETA testing. Version 14 is a very big milestone for us because it introduces a major new feature that customers have been asking us for a long time: Real Time Protection. Let’s take a look. Real Time Protection RogueKiller 14…
We are proud to present you today a new software (or rather a new variant of an existing software) that was many times requested by our customers, UCheckCMD. Test it now !
We are proud to announce that our popular Anti-maware RogueKiller new version, that we’ve been working on hardly for the past year, has been released ! Test it now.
We are proud to announce that our new project, that we’ve been working on hardly for the past year, has been released ! It is called Adlice Diag, and it will be your favorite software when it comes to diagnose a machine’s health…
Une augmentation des infections se propageant en utilisant des hacktools comme Windows Loader ou KMSPico a été observée. Découvrez comment les créateurs de malware les utilisent pour installer des cryptomineurs, des ransomwares et même prendre le contrôle de votre système d’exploitation.
Alpha bay, Silk Road, Hansa: Ils ont fait les gros titres des journaux durant des semaines. Ils étaient des marchés souterrain qui proposaient des biens et services illicites et qui ont respectivement fermé en 2013 et 2017. Tous utilisaient Tor, le réseau Internet parallèle le plus utilisé aujourd’hui, appelé Darknet. DARKNET Les ordinateurs connectés à…
Une augmentation du nombre de malware embarquant un crypto-mineur a été observée. Découvrez comment ils sont utilisés pour gagner de l’argent.