Most of the APIs are undocumented (even though you can understand how they work from the code…) because they are not relevant from a client’s standpoint, and are only used to communicate between the front and the back end.
Here’s the ones we decided to document, that are really useful if you plan to make your own client working with a Yed server. To call an API, use this template url:¶m1=value¶m2=value¶m
POST http://localhost/api.php?token=my_token&action=scanfile description: Scans a file with the current publication parameters: $_FILES=the_file_scan (only first item taken) return data: JSON results of matches
GET http://localhost/api.php?token=my_token&action=downloadpublication description: Downloads a publication package locally parameters: id=the_publication_id (retrieved with checkpackageversion) public_link=true|false (if true, zip extension is hidden) encrypted=true|false (if true, encrypted package is served, see config) return data: Redirection to file or text error
GET http://localhost/api.php?token=my_token&action=checkpackageversion description: Check if current package version is outdated parameters: version=current_version beta=true|false (if true, takes in account publications in "Test") return data: JSON results with if outdated, and last version / publication id